For unparalleled comprehensive care, you can rely on our dentist. At our convenient location in Lincolnton, NC, patients can receive implants and dentures of different levels to meet the needs of varying budgets with a great product.
Our talented professionals provide minimally invasive dentistry while maintaining a partnership with our patients to protect their lifetime health! Our skilled practitioners can provide a whole host of dental services to your entire family under one roof.
You have choices as a patient for great dental care, and we respect that. To have a great dental experience, you need a great dental team. By taking care of you as a patient, we know you’ll stand by us and return for all your dentistry needs, as well as tell others just like you about your dental experience with us in Lincolnton, NC. That’s why it is important for us to show each patient the best dentistry can offer through a variety of ways of communication based on your specific needs. Each of our team members are highly knowledgeable to help guide you through your experience with us now and in the future.
We've designed a denture care center that you can feel confident that you will be greeted and treated with happy and friendly faces through all phases of your treatment. If you are considering full dentures, immediate dentures, implant dentures or partial dentures, we would love to schedule an initial consultation appointment today to speak further with one of our highly trained dentists that will review your health history, your current scenario, and answer any questions you may have about dentures.
Do you want to smile freely? Is it to have less pain? How would ideal dental health have an impact on your life? The dental services we can provide vary as a general dentist in Moores Chapel, NC, but the end goal is the best dental health possible for each patient.
You'll immediately feel at ease, and our initial consultation will help you map out a complete dental plan from cleanings to dentures that achieves superior results. Come see us for the following services and much more: