We are a team working together on your great oral health. And it takes more than just seeing us in the office. We have found great home care in addition to seeing us in office every 6 months produces superior results and keeps you smiling. That's why we are giving away Sonicare electric toothbrushes to our patients (ages 17+). Once you complete necessary dental treatment, you are ready to maintain that great smile at home with some of our best products. And because we are in this together, we are giving you a Sonicare Toothbrush for free. Let’s get started today.
According to the ADA, a great dental home care maintenance program should include brushing at least twice a day. The use of a dental toothbrush such as the Philips Sonicare Essence+ and the use of proper dental brushing techniques "provide effective removal of plaque which helps reduce gingival inflammation."