Implant Restoration

Carolina Dentures

Our dental practice is dedicated to educating you with the latest tips and tricks to maintain your optimal oral health.

How Should I Store my Dentures?

Contributed by Carolina Dentistry

When having the discussion of “How should I store my denture when I am not using it?” Our first question would be, why are you storing them? It is best to use your dentures compared to storing them.

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Why Can’t I Get My Partial Back In?

Contributed by Carolina Dentistry

Why won’t my partial go back in after I left it out for a while? The simple answer is teeth shifting. It is important to note that teeth shift for multiple reasons. A partial prevents your teeth from shifting by holding the vacant spaces open.

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How Long After Extractions Should I Wait to Use Adhesive?

Contributed by Carolina Dentistry

Have you recently had dental extractions? Do you have a denture or partial you are trying to keep in place? You may be wondering, “How long should I wait before using denture adhesive after my dental extractions?”

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How Much Does It Cost for a Denture Repair?

Contributed by Carolina Dentistry

Has your denture or partial recently broken? You may be wondering what a denture repair may cost. According to a study conducted by Fixodent, the average denture repair costs between $100 and $500, depending on the damage and how many times the dental prosthetic has broken before.

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What is a Denture Reline?

Contributed by Carolina Dentistry

Have you noticed your denture moves around more than it used to? Are you noticing sores or are you gagging because of this? You may need a reline! What is a reline? Just as the body changes over time, so does the mouth and this could result into a ill-fitting denture.

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What is the Difference Between a Denture and a Partial?

Contributed by Carolina Dentistry

It is a commonly asked question, “What is the difference between a denture and a partial”? The simplest answer to this question would be a denture replaces all of the teeth on the top or bottom arch, where a partial only replaces a few missing teeth on one arch.

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Best Way to Clean Dentures?

Contributed by Carolina Dentistry

Have you recently brought home your new dentures? You may be wondering, what is the best way to clean my dentures? The best way to clean your dentures is twice a day by soaking them in a denture solution, then removing additional debris by scrubbing with a damp washcloth, wet Q-tip, or extra soft toothbrush.

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Which Denture Adhesive is Best?

Contributed by Carolina Dentistry

Denture adhesive comes in several forms such as paste, powder, and strips. With so many options, this decision can be difficult and overwhelming as each one offers their own advantages and disadvantages.

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